
Showing posts from June, 2022

Lifting the Husafell Stone; Five Years in the Making

  Lifting the Husafell Stone; A Five Year Journey For those unaware, the husafell stone is a 186 kilo (410 pound) basalt stone found in Husafell, Iceland. The stone was used as a door for a sheep pen by Snorri Bjornsson. Legend has it, the husafell stone was used as a testing stone for passing travelers. Regardless of what you read in this article, I suggest picking up a copy of Stonelifting off amazon, written by Martin Jancsics and Dr. Bill Crawford. This is the book that got me interested in stonelifting, and led to trips to both Scotland and Iceland. In order for a lifter to reach ‘Fullsterkur’ (Full-Strength), the lifter must pick up and carry the husafell around the perimeter of the pen.  My five year journey began as an ambitious novice strongman. I was 23 years old, fresh on the scene, and had fallen in love with the idea of lifting the husafell as soon as I was made aware of the chal...