Upcoming Events: Arizona Edition

Upcoming Events: Arizona Edition 

*Did I miss your event? Shoot me a message and give me some details. 

Strongman has continued to take off in Arizona, and the west coast in general. It’s become easier to find events, but harder to keep track of them. In this article, we will highlight the events happening in the state in the coming three months. 

As a friendly reminder: promoters promoting promoters grows the sport. Encourage promoters and athletes to bring their best so the sport continues to grow.

Eleos, October 1st, Bell Bank Park


Location: Bell Bank Park (That’s pretty cool!)

Federation: United States Strongman 

Qualifications: Top Three from each Weight Class 

Level: Local, Novice Division Available

Eleos was a banger last year, and I fully expect it to be a banger this year. Michael Carroll has proven himself to be an invested promoter and will run this show fast and efficient. 


Max Distance Farmers with a Turn 

Keg, Axle, Log, Circus Dumbbell Medley 

Yoke, Sandbag, Sandbag Medley

Max Double Overhand Axle Deadlift 

Stone over Bar, SUDDEN DEATH style 

One event I’m excited for… 

I love me some athleticism. The press medley will test various dynamics of overhead strength (explosiveness, speed, and efficiency). The yoke-sandbag-sandbag will be exciting as well. I’m a huge fan of ascending weight, descending distance on a carry medley. This will be a battle of speed and conditioning. The stone over bar I expect to be thrilling. This show will utilize the Clash model of stones; sudden death roulette. 


Unbroken Gym Seminar, October 15th, Unbroken Gym 

Location: Unbroken 

Julia Smay, Heather MacDonald, Gary Loyd, and Mike Westerling will be running an eight implement strongman seminar October 15th. Proceeds from this event will be going towards travel for OSG competitors. Julia and Gary bring years of experience at a high level, and Heather has competed in Highland Games for 15 years. Mike Westerling (BuildByMike) is an elite level strongman coach, having coached athletes to the international level of competition. This is a great opportunity to gain some knowledge and enhance your strongman performance. 

Static Monsters, October 29th, BeastStrong Powerhouse

Location: BeastStrong Powerhouse, Tucson (West Location/Marana)

Federation: Static Monsters 

Qualifications: Top 10 Total will be Invited to Static Monsters World Championships 

Level: Local, Accessible to all Skill Levels 


Max Log

Max 18 Inch Deadlift 

Max log and max deadlift, what’s not to like? Troy Shanks and Rafe Teich always do a great job with static monsters. You can expect professional grade videography with Shawn Christ managing the livestream. 

I’m a bit biased as I’ll be attempting the u90 log record at this one. 


The Undead Strongman Challenge, October 29th Liberty Performance Training Center 

Location: Liberty Performance Training Center, Phoenix 

Federation: Unsanctioned, CASH PRIZES!

Level: Local, Accessible to all Levels of Competitors


Axle Clean and Press 

Deadlift Medley (DL Bar, Frame, Max Reps on 13” Wagon Wheel (Axle))

Yoke, Frame, Husafell Carry Medley

WILDCARD EVENT (My guess is as good as yours!)

Liberty has always put on great shows, and this should be a fun one. Halloween themed, CASH PRIZES (100 dollars for first in the open classes) and an after party? Sounds like a great deal to me. 

Event I’m most looking forward to… 

Axle clean and press for obvious reasons, however the deadlift medley is a great set up. I love ending with a 13 inch wagon wheel on the axle bar. Being able to go strapless on the first two implements will give more time to rep away on the wagon wheels. 


Strenghfeast, Fitness1Gym, November 19th 

Location: Fitness 1 Gym, Phoenix

Federation: Unsanctioned, CASH PRIZES 

Level: Local, Accessible to all Levels of Competitors

Matt Gladding, Walt Mello, and Chris Laux worked together to promote Fitness 1 Gym’s first strongman event. I’m excited for this one. Matt, Walt, and Chris have compiled a unique list of events that will challenge athletes' conditioning throughout the event. The entry fee is only 50 dollars for this one, and is a great way to celebrate right before the holidays kick off. 


18 Inch Deadlift

Yoke Walk for Max Distance

Farmer Carry for Max Distance

Dumbbell, Axle, Log (Clean and Press for Remaining Time) 

Truck Pull 

Tiebreaker: Sandbag over Bar 

Event I’m most excited for… 

Max distance farmers. Easily. Nothing hurts the body more. My quads and traps have never been more on fire than at the 2022 LA Expo completing the max distance farmers. The time cap was two minutes. I don’t think I’ll ever complete another event as brutal as that. Also, note the return of the truck pull! Truck pulls have become a bit of a novelty the past couple years. Nice to see it back in the game! 


Hope for the Holidays, December 3rd, Unbroken Strength 

Location: Unbroken Strength, Phoenix

Federation: USS 

Qualification: Top 3 Qualify for USS Nationals 

Level: Local, Accessible to all Levels of Competitors

Julia Smay and Heather MacDonald bring Hope for the Holidays for another year. Proceeds will be donated to charities in Arizona. This is always a fun event. I will be there, and I hope to see you there as well! 


Max Axle OR Log 

Max Deadlift OR 18 Inch Deadlift 


Battle of the Beasts, December 10th, BeastStrong Powerhouse 

Location: BeastStrong, Tucson, West Location (Marana)

Federation: Strongman Corporation 

Qualification: 1st (Nationals), 2nd and 3rd (Regionals) 

Rafe Teich brings another event to Tucson this December, with a show a few weeks before Christmas. This is a great opportunity (and rare in Arizona) to qualify for Strongman Corporation Nationals. The events are well designed, and who doesn’t like some holiday lifting? 


Max Log 

Axle Deadlift for Reps

Truck Pull

Husafell Carry for Max Distance 

Stone Series (6 Stones) 

Event I’m most looking forward to… 

Max distance husafell carry has always been a favorite of mine. It separates the tough competitors from the… not so tough. Always fun to see who is willing to push past that initial pain threshold to finish strong. Also worth noting; the superheavy men will finish with a 410, 22 inch stone. It’s a rare site to see at a strongman show! 



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